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Painting ID::. 93309
17th century Medium oil on canvas cjr
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Antoine Coypel Coypel
Antoine Coypel:. Coypel
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Antoine Coypel:
1661-1722 French Antoine Coypel Location Antoine studied at the Coll?ge d Harcourt and then trained in his father studio and at the Academie Royale. In 1672 No Coypel was made Director of the Academie de France in Rome, and Antoine, who accompanied his father to Italy, benefited from the education given to the students there. He also joined in their long sessions spent copying Raphael frescoes in the Vatican Loggie and the works of the Carracci and Domenichino in the Palazzo Farnese. He met Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini and Carlo Maratti and was awarded a drawing prize by the Accademia di S Luca. During his return journey Antoine stopped in northern Italy to study the works of Correggio
17th century Medium oil on canvas cjr

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