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Painting ID::. 68077
blatt sovrum
1923 se
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Suzanne Valadon blatt sovrum
Suzanne Valadon:. blatt sovrum
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Suzanne Valadon:
French Post-Impressionist Painter, 1865-1938 French painter and artist's model. She led a lonely childhood in Paris as the daughter of an unmarried and unaffectionate maid, seeking refuge from her bleak circumstances by living in a dream world. While residing in the Montmartre district of Paris, she became an artist's model, working in particular with those painters who frequented the Lapin Agile. From 1880 to 1887, for example, she sat regularly for Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, posing for both the male and female figures in the Sacred Wood (1884-6; Lyon, Mus. B.-A.). She also modelled for Renoir, Luigi Zandomeneghi, Th?ophile Steinlein, Jean-Louis Forain, Giuseppe De Nittis and Jean-Jacques Henner. No longer able to tolerate the passive role of the model,
blatt sovrum
1923 se

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