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Painting ID::. 58521
Crucifixion (1340-1345)
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Bernardo Daddi Crucifixion
Bernardo Daddi:. Crucifixion
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Bernardo Daddi:
active in Florence 1320-1348 was an early Italian renaissance painter and apprentice of Giotto. He was also influenced by the Sienese art of Lorenzetti. Daddi's birth date remains unknown. He is first mentioned in 1312. He focused on religious motifs and altarpieces. A triptych he painted in 1328 is in the Uffizi, and there are several panels in National Gallery of Art and the Walters Art Gallery. Daddi became the leading painter of Florence during his generation. His last work dates from 1347,
Crucifixion (1340-1345)

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