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Painting ID::. 49354
In the Carolina Swamp The Advance Guard
mk195 1865 Pen 6x8
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Theodore R. Davis In the Carolina Swamp The Advance Guard
Theodore R. Davis:. In the Carolina Swamp The Advance Guard
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Theodore R. Davis:
1840 ?C 1894,was a 19th century American artist, who made numerous drawings of significant military and political events during the American Civil War and its aftermath. Some of these drawings include the Battle of Champion Hill, and the most significant sketch of General Joseph E. Johnston and General William T. Sherman meeting at the Bennett Farm near Durham Station to discuss the surrender terms of the remaining Confederate armies in the Southeast. After the war when the Cyclorama in Atlanta was being painted, Davis was asked for his ideas having traveled with Sherman's army. He was later added to the painting.
In the Carolina Swamp The Advance Guard
mk195 1865 Pen 6x8

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