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Painting ID::. 26928
Self-Portrait with a Drawing of a Male Nude
mk52 1746 Oil on canvas 99x82cm Louvre,Paris
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Luis Melendez Self-Portrait with a Drawing of a Male Nude
Luis Melendez:. Self-Portrait with a Drawing of a Male Nude
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Luis Melendez:
1716-80 He assisted his father, artist Francisco Melendez, until 1737, when he began studying with Lewis-Michel Vanloo, the court painter to Philip V of France. Although accepted (1745) into the Spanish Royal Academy of Fine Arts, he was expelled after his father denounced the academy in a dispute over a royal competition. After traveling throughout Italy, he returned to work for his father as an illustrator of choirbooks.
Self-Portrait with a Drawing of a Male Nude
mk52 1746 Oil on canvas 99x82cm Louvre,Paris

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