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Painting ID::. 26100
A North Countru Fair (mk47)
SPOWC 1813 Watercolour and bodycolour 468x695mm Laing Art Gallery Tyne and Wear Museums
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Luke Clennell A North Countru Fair (mk47)
Luke Clennell:. A North Countru Fair (mk47)
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Luke Clennell:
Born, 1781, Back. Died, 1840, Country, England was an English engraver and painter. Born in Morpeth, Northumberland, the son of a farmer, he was apprenticed to the engraver Thomas Bewick in 1797. Between 1799 and 1803 he acted as Bewick's principal assistant on the second volume of the History of British Birds. After completing his seven-year apprenticeship with Bewick he moved to London, where he married a daughter of the copper-engraver Charles Turner Warren (1762-1823). Through his marriage he became acquainted with such book illustrators as William Finden and Abraham Raimbach. He gained a reputation as an engraver and in May 1806 he was awarded the gold palette of the Society of Arts for a wood-engraving of a battle scene. He subsequently gave up engraving for painting. In 1814 he received from the Earl of Bridgewater a commission for a large picture to commemorate the banquet given to the Allied Sovereigns at the Guildhall, London. He experienced great difficulty in getting the distinguished guests to sit for their portraits, and suffered a mental breakdown. After a spell in an asylum, he recovered and returned home.
A North Countru Fair (mk47)
SPOWC 1813 Watercolour and bodycolour 468x695mm Laing Art Gallery Tyne and Wear Museums

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